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Article: Which Low Carb Fruits & Vegetables are in season in July

Which Low Carb Fruits & Vegetables are in season in July - PBCo.

Which Low Carb Fruits & Vegetables are in season in July

Know ahead of time before picking up your weekly groceries by checking out what low carb fruit and vegetables are at their best in July


Low Carb Vegetables in Season in July



0.8g carbs / 100g

Known for its deep pink/purple colour. This leafy vegetable is popular in Italian salads. It has a slight bitterness and is also tasty chargrilled. It's delicious with a little salt, vinegar and olive oil!! 😍



4.6 g carbs / 100g

What's a sausage sizzle without onions? 😂 More known for their ability to make you cry than their nutritional value, but onions are high in Vitamin C and are a good source of potassium. They also add flavour to most soups and dishes.




0.4g carbs / 100g

The staple of body-builders all across the world, and for good reason! This amazing vegetable is delicious, nutritious, and super low carb. It’s almost always in my fridge ready to add to any dish that needs some green added to it.

Hot Tip: If your broccoli is looking a little sad and wilted, don’t throw it away, chop it up into pieces and put it in a bowl of iced water and in the fridge for half an hour or so. It will come out looking better than the day you bought it!

Looking for a different way to eat those greens? Check out our delicious Low Carb Cheesy, Broccoli & Bacon Savoury Muffin recipe here.



0.8g carbs / 100g

The witlof is not a root vegetable but is a leaf that is grown underground. Witlof is used in salads and can be chargrilled. Look for tightly packed leaves with fresh tips.

Brussel Sprouts

Brussel Sprouts

2.1 g carbs / 100g

The vegetable everyone loves to hate. Whilst these were probably forced upon you as a child and you’ve hated them ever since you really shouldn’t. Brussels sprouts are really low in carbs and packed full of nutrients such as vitamin C and vitamin K, and moderate amounts of folic acid and vitamin B6.

Whilst on their own they leave a lot to be desired for, sautéed in a frying pan with oodles of butter, garlic and even bacon, these little miniature cabbages really come into their own.

If you haven’t had these since you were a kid, it’s probably time to give them another chance.



4 g carbs / 100g

Kohlrabi also called German turnip! Part bulb, part greens, so you can add them to salads, make coleslaw and add it to soups and stews.



2.3 g carbs / 100g

The superfood poster-child of 2014 and favourite of beard-toting hipsters everywhere. This nutrient-dense leafy vegetable is very low in carbs and incredibly high in beta-carotene, vitamin K and vitamin C. It’s also a good source of calcium and carotenoids.

If you’re still wondering how to make a delicious meal out of this vegetable, check out this great list of kale recipes on



1.8 g carbs / 100g

These are such an under-rated food. They’re cheap to buy, contain a heap of great nutrients, taste amazing and are easy to cook with. What more could you want! Eaten raw or cooked.

When you buy your leeks, make sure to give them a good wash as dirt can sometimes get into the inner leaves which might give your dish an unsatisfactory ‘crunch’ (speaking from experience).



1.9 g carbs / 100g

These an amazingly under-rated vegetable. They’re incredibly low in carbs despite having a rich creamy texture, and potato-like flavour.

They’re super delicious in a cheesy cauliflower bake, roasted and mashed as an incredible low-carb mashed potato-like dish or even used to make a Low Carb Fried Rice! (check out the recipe here)

The perfect winter vegetable.



5g carbs / 100g

The food of choice for our friend Buggs Bunny. Whilst we generally only see orange carrots in supermarkets, these root vegetables come in hundreds of different varieties and a number of colours including purple, red, white, and yellow ones. They’re fun and easy to grow yourself at home, a great weekend project with the kids.

Have you checked out our Keto Carrot Cake Recipe? It is by far our most popular recipe and never lasts long in the office!

Spinach and Silverbeet

Spinach and Silverbeet

0.7-1.1g carbs / 100g

I popped these all together as are used in similar ways to each other, although you use raw baby spinach leaves in a salad




3.4g carbs / 100g

The turnip is very similar to the Swede, but with white flesh instead of yellow. The turnip was the staple vegetable of Europe before the potato came along, so it can’t be too bad!

When shopping, pick the younger, smaller turnips as these have a sweeter and more delicate flavour. Their beautiful white and purple skin will look really good on your Instagram pictures 🙂




1.2g carbs / 100g

Famous for reportedly using more calories to digest than you get from eating this vegetable. Regardless of is, this is fact or fiction, celery is a great addition to any diet.

It’s a great base for the start of many Bolognese recipes, can be added to a delicious Waldorf salad, or is great just covered in peanut butter and snacked on!




2.8 g carbs / 100g

This ugly looking vegetable is actually the edible rootstock from the celery plant!

It has a mild, yet quite a distinctive flavour similar to celery (for obvious reasons) and parsley. Celeriac can be eaten raw in salads, or roasted, or even mashed as a low-carb replacement for mashed potato!


3.4 g carbs / 100g

This is the most common variety of cabbage available in Australia and is not to be confused with Savoy Cabbage. This particular variety has slightly tougher leaves than savoy cabbage but is still a great option for many dishes. Shred it and pop into your favourite coleslaw recipe.



3.3 g carbs / 100g

Did you know: Fennel is a flowering plant closely related to the carrot family!

Fennel is a crunchy vegetable with a slightly sweet flavour. It’s great at adding some texture to a salad or braised with a stew or thick soup. It is super tasty sliced thin, drizzled with olive oil, lemon juice and salt or cut in wedges and BBQ’d.

You might find that a lot of Italian recipes will call for this vegetable which gives hints at its Mediterranean origins.

Fruits in Season in July



0.6g Avocado carbs / 100g

Yep, it's a fruit. Although mostly used in savoury dishes. Packed full of goodness and yummy on Protein Toast. 😋



2.6 g carbs / 100g

Lemon is my most favourite flavours in baking. Especially with our Low Carb Vanilla Cupcake Mix. You can also use it as a marinade for fish or chicken.


5.4g carbs / 100g

This is known for being a semi-sweet, somewhat bitter fruit. I prefer the ruby grapefruit to eat, as they are slightly sweeter, and they taste great in a cocktail 😜




1.7 g carbs / 100g

The stalks of rhubarb are used baked into crumbles and tarts. Give it a go in our Apple and Rhubarb crumble recipe



3.9g carbs / 100g

1 punnet of strawberries has under 10g of carbs, they are such a great low carb snack. Pop them in salads, your baking or may sugar-free strawberry chia jam.


8.6 g carbs / 100g

Another great grab-and-go snack. Super high in Vitamin C. Just cut in half and scoop out the inside with a spoon and enjoy! (or eat the skin if you like)



9g carbs / 100g

1 medium mandarin has approx 5g carbs. A great low carb option when you feel like something sweet that comes in its own packaging :D


8g carbs / 100g

A good dose of Vitamin C to help that immune system over Winter. It's better to eat an orange over drinking the juice. That way you get the bonus of the fibre.

Carbs per 100g serve (Food Standards Australia New Zealand)


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