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Article: 5 Low Carb Desserts to Curb Sweet Cravings Without The Guilt

5 Low Carb Desserts to Curb Sweet Cravings Without The Guilt - PBCo.

5 Low Carb Desserts to Curb Sweet Cravings Without The Guilt

Most of us tend to ditch dessert thinking it can only be unhealthy and loaded with carbs and sugar. But what if I told you that you can have dessert whilst maintaining a healthy low carb lifestyle? Check out these 5 seriously delicious, high protein and low carb desserts that are sure to curb those after-dinner sugar cravings and leave you feeling full, satisfied and healthy.

When You Can Have Your Cake And Eat It Too: 5 Low Carb Desserts

protein mug cake

1. 1 Minute Mug Cake

This tasty dessert has just 4 ingredients and takes less than 1 minute! All you need is a mug or ramekin then whisk in 2 egg whites, 2 tablespoons protein powder, 2 tablespoons greek yoghurt or cottage cheese and 1/2 teaspoon baking powder. Microwave for 40 seconds to 1 minute, keeping a close eye on it so it does not overflow. Turn out into a bowl. These taste the best when slightly undercooked in the middle, just like a self saucing pudding! If you've got a packet of Protein Pancake Mix floating around home, you can also use this to make a Microwave Mug Muffin.
protein muffin

2. Protein Muffin Pudding

A Low Carb Chocolate Muffin made with dark chocolate and zucchini is a great base for a dessert! Simply warm a Protein Muffin in the microwave for 30 seconds, top with some naturally sweetened whipped cream or creme fraiche. You can also take it a step further and create a chocolate ganache to drizzle over the top - just combine dark chocolate and whipping cream in a microwave safe bowl, microwave on high for 1 minute and whisk together until completely combined. So simple, but SO good.
protein mousse

3. Protein Mousse

This dessert is also an easy, on-the-go dessert with just two ingredients - grab 1/2-1 scoop of your favourite protein powder mixed into a serve of plain Chobani yoghurt and you have a creamy, high protein, low carb mousse. If you need to, add some Natvia Sweetener or Sugar Free Hot Chocolate.
yoghurt and berries

4. Coconut Yoghurt with Berries

Coconut yoghurt is beautifully rich and creamy keeping you nice and full which is perfect before a good nights sleep. Coconut yoghurt is also naturally low in carbs and sugar. I love mine topped with some berries to satisfy those hunger pains late at night.
dark chocolate

5. Chocolate

Yes you read that right, there is such a thing as low carb chocolate and if it’s low in carbs that means it's also not loaded with sugar…winning! A few of the best ones are Lindt 70-90% cocoa and Well Naturally Sugarfree milk and dark chocolates, both of which you can find at most supermarkets.

Cover Image: Fitplan

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