Plant Based Foods that are High in Iron
Iron is important in any diet – and you probably know this, but may not know why. I feel like so many people are iron deficient (purely based on the fact that a number of friends have recently been diagnosed with this!) but there are ways in which we can help this. If your on a Plant Based diet, or any diet then this list of Plant based foods that are high in iron may be helpful.
Iron is so important to us as it is a nutrient that is key during growth: it carries oxygen around the body and is a component of muscle and blood. If you have a diet deficient in iron, you may suffer from ‘iron deficiency anaemia’. In many developing and industrialised countries, iron deficiency is rife. Iron deficiency anaemia occurs when either our red blood cell count or our haemoglobin levels (or both) are too low. This means that oxygen cannot be carried around our bodies as it should be.
When someone has low iron, they may be incredibly tired, suffer from heart palpitations or feel breathless (obviously refer to your doctor if you think you have this!!). Obviously, something that can help with iron levels is eating foods rich in iron. Someone with no dietary restrictions may head straight to meat – especially red meat, to get their iron in. However – there are many options avaialable for those looking for Plant Based foods that are high in iron. A good way to boost your iron levels too is to pair with foods rich in vitamin C. I mean the more vitamins and minerals we can get from a food are great right? Here is a list of some Plant Based foods high in iron: