Put vanity aside and focus on the end goal - by Chris Brine
I’m currently in the middle of my ‘off season’ so my training and diet are all focused on growth. I’ve had some great highs in my training with new Personal Bests (PB’s) and I’m really enjoying the extra food…..so is my body.
There has also been a few low’s with injuries. Pushing too hard to lift more weight on my lifts has led me to injure my back…again. I partially slipped a disk in my back about seven years ago and it took me years to come right. Seriously, one of the worst pains I’ve ever felt and I’ve had some painful injuries in my life.
Now I’ve hurt it again in the same way but not as severe so I’m hoping with some rehab and not putting my back under any load it’ll come right fairly soon. But it’s been a month now and I still can’t squat, deadlift etc. and I have a lot of pain after I’ve been lying down for too long. So not good when I go to sleep.
However, this hasn’t stopped me, I’ve just had to adapt my training and be smarter about the pressure I put on my back. So while I may not be able to do my compound exercises I can still train hard and make progress. I’ve been focusing on gaining more size on my shoulders and legs as I seen those areas that need the most improvement.