Guide To Low Carb Options For Japanese Cuisine
Welcome (back) to our series where we look into how you can eat low carb when dining out at different restaurants and cuisines! Check out our Dining Out Low Carb page for other guides. Today, we will be taking a dive into one of my all-time favourites, Japanese cuisine. When most people think about Japanese food, their brain automatically conjures images of heavy carb dishes like sushi rolls and ramen noodles – delicious, yes, low-carb, no.
Have you ever encountered a situation where your friends, family or co-workers want to go out for dinner, and say “Hey what about Japanese or Italian?” and you think to yourself “Oh gosh, how am I going to manage this?!”. It can definitely be a bit tricky to manage your low carb or keto diet when eating out, but we’re here to help!
Let’s jump in and look at what to go for when you’re trying to stay low carb at a Japanese restaurant.