Our top five low sugar, high protein recipes
You may have read my ‘How do I Stop Eating Sugar’ article and be looking to reduce your sugar intake with recipes that are fulfilling and tasty but have a low sugar content. If this is the case, you’ve come to the right place. Whether you’re looking for a snack or inspiration for breakfast or dinner - we’ve got you covered with these high protein recipes.
Pancakes don’t have to be laden with sugary toppings and can create a healthy and nutritious meal. Using the Protein Bread Co.’s pancake mix contains only 3.5g of sugar per serving so creates a low sugar main. Top your pancakes with Pic’s peanut butter containing only 1.1g sugar per serving along with 100g of cacao nibs that have only 1.8g of sugar, and you’ve got yourself a delicious combination. Cacao nibs are simply cacao beans that have been broken into pieces and these are a great alternative to chocolate chips but without the added sugar and fats. Be warned: they are quite strong in flavour so don’t overload your pancakes.
Finding recipes with little sugar in is easy but equally checking your ingredients for added or hidden sugar can work well too. In all of the recipes above I feel that the flavours have not been hindered due to the lack of the sugar – they are all delicious