Why we use Australian Lupin Flour in our Protein Bread
We look at Australian Lupin Flour this week as an essential ingredient that we use in our products as part of the Australian ingredient series. With customers asking questions around our ingredients, we thought we would bring you along for the ride behind our decision making of what ingredients we use, where it is sourced from and why we only source ingredients we would eat ourselves.
Our Protein Bread is a High Protein, Low Carb, Gluten Free Bread is made from natural ingredients with over 94% of ingredients sourced from Australia (unfortunately they don’t make vegetarian proteins in Australia).
One of our major ingredients in Protein Bread is Lupin Flour, sourced directly from farmers in the Irwin Valley, which is north of Perth in the Mid West of Western Australia. The Lupins are suited to the acidic and sandy soils found in Western Australia and they play an important role as a rotation crop as their growth can break cereal disease cycles that develop from the planting of cereal crops in the same location with the added benefit that they inject nitrogen back into the soil.
Lupin flour is created by removing the hull off the lupins and grinding the lupins into a fine flour. The main type of lupin grown in Australia is the Australian Sweet Lupin which is also known as the narrow leaf lupin. The benefits of using lupin flour in our products is that they have strong nutritional properties such as high protein, high fibre, minerals and trace elements.
For those that love understanding macro’s, lupin flour is 40% protein, 30% fibre, 12% carbs and 8% fats.
We chose Australian Lupin Flour for our Protein Bread for the following reasons:
- Australian Lupin Flour comes from premium Australian Lupins which retain all their nutritional goodness including high protein and fibre levels and low carbohydrate levels
- Australian Lupin Flour is a high vegetarian source of protein that enables us to continue to maintain high protein levels in our products while also reducing vegetarian protein levels from non Australian sources.
- Australian Lupin Flour is all natural.
- Australian Lupin Flour supports Australian farmers