Why is self care important for you?
How good is it when we are feeling so good, that we smile to ourselves and just know we’re doing ok? Feeling good doesn’t just happen by accident, it’s something that we have to consciously prac...
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Athlete Update: 'I lost my mojo' by Emilie Brabon-Hames
So I thought and thought about what I could write about something we all might have in common… Mojo – Drive, fire, motivation, inspiration, my “get up and go!”I lost my drive – mojo, motivation, fi...
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The power of the mind is an incredible thing and everyone should want to uncover the extraordinary ability that lies within us. If we all could appreciate the capabilities of what we have, the poss...
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Put vanity aside and focus on the end goal - by Chris Brine
I’m currently in the middle of my ‘off season’ so my training and diet are all focused on growth. I’ve had some great highs in my training with new Personal Bests (PB’s) and I’m really enjoying the...
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A Day in the Life of a Bodybuilder by Chris Brine
Now I can’t speak on behalf of every bodybuilder out there. Everyone is different and will have different diets, training plans, and ideas on how to achieve their goals. I’ve been competing for a ...
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How to overcome gym 'fear' for newbies?
Stepping into the gym for the very first time can be extremely daunting and intimidating. All the grunting, sweating, weights dropping, complicated-looking equipment and copious amounts of protein ...
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The role of mental health in your overall health
Let me start by saying that I’m by no means an expert in mental health, this is purely my personal experience and thoughts on the subject and I would highly encourage anyone who resonates with this...
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