Mental Resilience
The power of the mind is an incredible thing and everyone should want to uncover the extraordinary ability that lies within us. If we all could appreciate the capabilities of what we have, the possibilities are endless as to what you can achieve. We are all born with the tools, it’s up to you to learn how to use them. So let’s take a look at how mental resilience can influence your training and your goals and Just establish that the following is purely based on years of training clients and personal development, and by no means should be taken as fact.
Understanding your body and mind can be one of the most challenging parts of life. Learning what you are capable of and then knowing how far you can push the boundaries. When it comes to training, you need to start consciously listening to your body. This language is not verbal, although there may be a little voice talking to you at times, you need to learn the language your body speaks to you in. Pain is a source of communication and there is a difference. Knowing how to understand this will take your training and your ability to a whole new level.
We all have an inner dialogue and battle it each day. When something gets hard especially physically, your inner strength will come into play. But how do you respond, and there is only 2 options. You either push through or you give up. Over my years of training, I have seen both ends of the spectrum. Individuals that although not the most talented athletes, that refuse to give up. And then I’ve seen the opposite, some of the most talented athletes that just cannot find what it takes to succeed when times get tough. You can train as hard as you want physically, but it’s the mental resilience in the end that will take you to places you never thought possible. Especially if you plan to tackle an event like Spartan Race.
Some tips on how you can train to improve your mental resilience.