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Article: Personal update from Anna…

Personal update from Anna… - PBCo.

Personal update from Anna…

Incase you’ve been wondering what’s happened ..

Hi Guys!!!

I’ve seen a few comments recently asking if I have “packed up and sold out” of Anna’s Low Carb Kitchen, because there hasn’t been much action on our social media pages, and our website now redirects.

The answer is NO NOT AT ALL - I’m still here!!! - We’ve had quite a few changes, but I’m very much still here, dedicated to creating and offering the best low carb products, info and inspiration to help everyone (including myself) feel our best.

Seeing these questions come through about what happened to Anna’s Low Carb Kitchen made me realise that I didn’t do a great job of communicating all the changes we were going through.

This upset me, because I really love the great little (well 90 000 people little) community of Aussie Low Carb Fans that we established, and to think people thought that I sold out and packed up, without saying anything really upset me.

I thought the best way to bring you all up to speed was to send through an update, letting you know what’s been happening personally and professionally!

  1. Personally - Life is busy as a full time working Mum!!! Probably not anything new to all the Mums and Dads out there, but the past 9 months (yes Lily is 9 months old already) have been a bit of a whirlwind. It’s quite a challenge juggling a business that I’m so passionate about, whilst also ensuring I have enough time for Lily, for family time, time by myself (which is a non-negotiable for me), as well as time for Yoga, and the very occasional time to catch up with friends.
  2. I’ve realised EVEN more the importance of eating a great low carb diet to manage my energy levels to achieve all the points above! I work 4 long days per week, and the other 3 are long days with Lily, and there is no way at all I could get through these days, or do a great job if I didn’t have an abundance of energy.
  3. I’m managing to fit in just 1 Bikram Yoga session/week. Considering I used to do 3-5 sessions per week, this was a big adjustment for me, but at different times in our lives, we have different priorities. YES, Health is always a priority, but for me right now, having a great diet and walking as much as I can, + this 1 Yoga session per week is doing the trick.
  4. Professionally - Anna’s Low Carb Kitchen website has now been merged with The Protein Bread Company, to form our Low Carb Superbrand - PBCo. You can check out our website here. You should be able to find all our guides, recipes and products, however, if you are missing something, please email us at and Jo will help you out :)
  5. Anna’s Low Carb Kitchen facebook - This page is still live, however, has been through a few name changes - currently, it is called PBCo - Australia. The reason for this is that we are trying to merge our 2 facebook pages, into the one community that we now are, however, Facebook was making us jump through 2 million hoops in order to do that… which we have been, but it’s been taking some time. Fingers crossed this will happen soon, and again we will have just the 1 page called PBCo (If you aren’t already following that one - pop over and like now as I’m now looking after the content on this page) Apologies if this is all confusing, it is a bit to me too, but we are nearly there!
  6. Anna’s Low Carb Kitchen Instagram - Is still live, but I’m not really posting there as everything is now under PBCo. You can’t merge Insta pages, so I am wondering what to do with this Insta page of 12k Aussie low carb fans… Should I make this my personal page, kind of like a behind the scenes of our business/low-carb life? PLEASE email me & let me know what you think I should do with this page!
  7. Anna’s Low Carb Kitchen Products - are currently all available at website and now have Free Shipping on all orders over $30. We ship all around Australia, New Zealand and the U.S. You can now grab all the PBCo products (including ready made Pizza Bases to selected areas) from this one website!
  8. Soon we will launch Simply Low Carb - which is pretty much Anna’s Low Carb Kitchen products, in fresh new packaging, ready for retail stores as well as online, with a few recipe tweaks based on your amazing feedback…. Stay tuned and follow PBCo facebook to get the latest updates.
  9. READY MADE PIZZA BASES…. As I mentioned above… we now offer ready-made, low carb, high protein Pizza Bases, in a pack of 2, ready for you to add your favourite toppings and pop in the oven.
  10. Jo & I now create a monthly newsletter with all things Low Carb, and delivery it straight to your inbox… If you’re interested in this you can request to join the list here:

And I think that’s it for now!

I hope this has helped shed some light onto the situation and given you confidence that I am still very much here, dedicated to increasing the awareness around the benefits of Low Carb Living in Australia!
I’d love to hear from you if you have any questions or thoughts - feel free to email me at and I will be sure to get back to you!

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