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Article: Carb Coma - SOS

Carb Coma - SOS - PBCo.

Carb Coma - SOS

We’ve all had those weekends or holidays, that at the time, are fun and carefree and we most likely overindulge. Then the time comes to get back into the swing of everyday life, and your clothes just feel that bit tighter and uncomfortable. It’s easy to then get in a downward spiral, beating ourselves up for letting loose, and thinking that we should’ve had more self-control.


That even after just 1 day of Low Carb Living - you will start to feel better. More positive about your body, more energetic, and certain that you will definitely be feeling your best again soon. I’ve put together this 2-day plan, to get you back on track as fast as possible. It's a 2 DAY Plan to get you back on track, that's right.. 2 DAYS!!! Think of it as simply hitting 'reset'.

Experience tells us that as soon as you start to feel a little bit better, you will be more motivated to continue. It’s really these first 2 days that can be a struggle to get back on board, because when we are feeling bad about ourselves, often we are not in a good mindset to want to treat our bodies well.

What next?

👉🏼Grab a notepad and pen, or your laptop. A glass of water, a tea or a coffee and take 30 minutes for yourself to think about how great you’re going to feel after the next 2 days, and also to remind yourself of the things you do really love.

Activity 1: IMAGINE (30 minutes)

In 2 days time I know I will be feeling.... write down how you WANT to be feeling.

  • So hydrated & less bloated
  • Back on track
  • Great because my jeans will be a bit looser.
  • Recovered
  • Strong & proud of myself

Even though I am feeling crap right now, I still... write down all the other positives about yourself and body.

  • Love how my body is so resilient and will just bounce back
  • Love how strong my body feels when I am moving often and sleeping well.
  • Love how great I feel when I eat the foods that make me feel great.


Because this is just a 2-day program, designed to get you back on track, and feeling as good as possible FAST - it is quite strict.

Please give it all you’ve got and stick to it. It’s only for 2 days. I promise you will notice a difference fast, and because of this, you will gain the motivation needed to keep going. If you want to repeat this program and do 4 days in total that is also totally fine.

  • 3L of water per day + as much herbal tea as possible
  • Take a Pro Biotic Daily (Can take 2 to really get things moving)
  • No soft drink or juice - Water, tea or coffee only
  • Coffee - Long Black or Almond Flat white/latte only (lowest carb milk).
  • You can have a dash of cream in your black coffee if you like.
  • No alcohol
  • No fruit
  • No snacking and NIL BY MOUTH in between meals. 3 meals per day. Try to condense meals into a 10 hour period - brekkie at 8 am, dinner at 6 pm. Give your body & digestion the chance to rest and recover.
  • No added sugar, honey, maple or rice malt syrup.
  • Meals to be packed full of as many veggies (especially green and non-starchy as possible.)
  • No regular bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, cereal, cakes, sweets, muesli.
  • Breakfast can be Low Carb or Protein Toast or Low Carb/ Protein Pancakes with approved toppings.
  • All meals to be using ingredients only from The Complete Low Carb Food List.
  • For meal inspiration please see my “5 Steps to Low Carb Cooking”

Activity 2: PLANNING (30 minutes)

Spend just 30 minutes getting organised for the next 2 days.


You can enjoy UNLIMITED GREENS - Asparagus, Avocado, Baby Spinach, English Spinach, Silverbeet, Kale, Zucchini, Broccoli, Sprouts, Watercress, Lettuce, Cucumber, Green Capsicum, Cabbage, Bok Choi, Green Beans, Leek, Broccolini.

2 Slices Low Carb Toast with:

  • Butter
  • Peanut or Almond Butter
  • Cheese
  • Ham
  • Cucumber

3 Low Carb Pancakes with:

  • Butter
  • Sugar-Free Maple
  • Ricotta/Whipped Cream
  • Greek Yoghurt Unsweetened

200g Unsweetened Greek yoghurt topped with:

  • 50g chopped low carb nuts
  • Seeds - Pepita, sun ower or chia
  • SugarFreeMaple

2 Eggs cooked any way with:

  • Fresh herbs, salt & pepper
  • Optional - few rashers of bacon
  • Optional - mushrooms and or spinach
  • Optional-Low Carb Toast


  • Baked Mushrooms filled with feta, butter & thyme
  • 60-80g Dry Roasted or Raw Low Carb Nuts (Not Honey Coated!! All nuts apart from cashews are low carb.

Drink Suggestions

  • Coffee - preferably black or Almond Milk or cream
  • Tea - preferably black or Almond Milk or cream
  • Water
  • Soda Water
  • Infused sparkling - Schweppes


Low Carb Sandwich - 2 pieces of Low Carb or Protein Bread

  • 80g of ham, chicken, roast beef, sliced turkey, lamb, cheese or 1 boiled egg + Unlimited salad greens + 2 slices tomato + Approved mayonnaise, wholegrain mustard or fresh herbs.

Open melts -2 pieces of Low Carb or Protein Bread

  • fresh basil, bocconcini, ham + sliced of tomato
  • ham, sliced tomato, & tasty cheese
  • sliced lamb meatballs + fresh mint + feta cheese
  • cream cheese, roast bbq chicken, sliced mushrooms, bbq sauce + tasty cheese
  • roast beef, rocket, tasty cheese + whole grain mustard
  • tuna, asparagus, cracked pepper and tasty cheese
  • cream cheese, turkey, 1 tsp cranberry sauce
  • avocado, tuna + tasty cheese

Leftover dinners PREPARED IN ADVANCE by our 5 steps to Low Carb cooking: Protein + Veggies + Flavour + Method + Topping.

  • You can see how simple these “recipes” are - no fancy sauces or ingredients.
  • All ingredients are available from your local fruit/veg shop, butcher or supermarket (or online with us if you wish to include Low Carb Bread)


Most people will have these items in their pantry already - they are not compulsory - may just make the next 2 days a little easier/enjoyable.

Low Carb Pantry Staples

  • Tea - herbal tea of any kind, or regular black tea
  • Coffee - instant, plunger or pods - whichever your preference
  • Salt&pepper
  • Chilli akes, dried or fresh herbs for seasoning
  • Butter
  • Oil of choice for cooking
  • Cream/Almond milk for tea/coffee at home
  • Stevia or Natvia if you really must have a sweetener in your drinks
  • Water - tap, bottled, sparkling or mineral - whichever your preference
  • Low Carb Bread Mix - Very convenient for fast low carb brekkies
  • Low Carb Pancake Mix
  • Natural Peanut Butter - Should be 100% peanuts and salt - that’s it
  • Eggs
  • Real Mayo - should be less than 2g carbs per 100g
  • Cheese - tasty, parmesan, cheddar - hard cheeses ok
  • Large drink bottle to keep with you at all times

👉🏼 Decide what you want to have, and then create the rest of your shopping list.


When we get moving, it really helps us to get back on track. When you can feel your muscles working it aligns you with your body and you are much more likely to make good choices, that will nurture your body.

There are no hardcore exercises in this 2-day plan, however, if you do already participate in some sort of exercise, such as classes, running or yoga - stick to your normal plan. If you don’t currently exercise and are looking for some inspiration, choose from my suggestions below.

In addition to the set movement - remember how powerful functional exercise is.

  • Always take the stairs
  • Always suck in your tummy and stand tall - it tones your muscles and burns more calories
  • Walk as much as possible
  • If you have the opportunity to lift something heavy (maybe a small child) then do it!
  • Clean the house - this is an amazing exercise (just not always super fun hehe)
  • Mow the lawns/do the gardens
  • Volunteer to help a friend move

Day 1 - Choose as many as you can!

  • 10 Push-ups + 10 Squats
  • 15-minute run/walk around the block
  • 10 sets of stair climbs
  • 2 minutes “high knees” on the spot
  • 20 Burpees
  • 20 StarJumps
  • A long walk along the beach/park/bush

Day 2 - Choose as many as you can!

  • 10 Push-ups + 10 Squats
  • 15 minuter run/walk around the block
  • 10 sets of stair climbs
  • 2 minutes “high knees” on the spot
  • 20 Burpees
  • 20 Star Jumps
  • A long walk along the beach/park/bush

A special message to you...

Health and wellbeing is never an overnight fix, it’s about adopting healthy habits and learning how to look after yourself in a way that makes YOU feel amazing. By running through this 2-Day plan it says that you have recognised that you don’t feel your best, and are ready to make some positive changes.

Click here for more Low Carb Tips & Tricks!

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