6 “Healthy” Brekkies which make you Sleepy
Many of our typical breakfast choices actually contain a LOT of sugar. When we consume sugar, it gives us a natural energy spike, we feel great for a short amount of time, but then it sends our insulin levels (the hormone that controls our blood sugar) into over drive and we start to feel sleepy, lethargic and irritable.
5g of carbs is the equivalent of 1 teaspoon of sugar – I’ve calculated the equivalent of how many teaspoons of sugar are in each of the following breakfasts – You may be shocked!
12 teaspoons of sugar 1,757 kJ’s Iku Maple & Spelt Granola Many varieties of muesli & cereal – especially toasted muesli and granola, are not only baked with a mixture of oil, honey, maple syrup or sugar but also contain a large amount of dried fruit, which contains sugar as well. It may seem like a big bowl of nuts, seeds & goodness but as you can see the sugar content is very high! 17 teaspoons of sugar 2,570 kJ’s McCafe Banana Bread Quite a deceptive term. In my opinion, there is no difference between banana bread and banana cake. If anything the serving size of banana bread is actually larger than a serve of banana cake. Did you know a slice of standard banana bread has more kJ's, fat and carbs than a cheeseburger? And that's before you toast it and lather it with butter! 16 teaspoons of sugar 2,416kJ’s Large Fruit Salad & Yogurt Bowl Ok so fruit salad itself probably won't make you fat. However it does have a very high sugar content and basically no protein. Therefore, it will probably be about 30 minutes until you start to get peckish and sneak into the office cookie jar for a mid morning-snack! 25 teaspoons of sugar 2,650 kJ’s Brekkie to GoGo Make it yourself and know exactly what goes in, no dramas at all. HOWEVER, order a smoothie out and its likely to have a nice concoction of fruit puree's (maybe not even 100% real fruit), ice cream/sweet yogurt, full cream milk, honey and muesli - making it a lovely concoction equaling CARB OVERLOAD.