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Low Carb Living Resources

Recipes tagged with 'Category_Articles by our Health Professionals'
12 tips to support the immune system this winter - PBCo.

12 tips to support the immune system this winter

12 tips to support the immune system this winter - PBCo.

12 tips to support the immune system this winter

Our immune system protects us. It’s our role to provide it with the tools it needs so it can function at its best.  Modern living can lead us to low immune health: Stress, high intake of sugar, la...

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How many carbs should I have – is it one size fits all? - PBCo.

How many carbs should I have – is it one size fits all?

Written by: Team at Danny's Place As Dietitians this is one of the most frustrating things we see – the one size fits all approach to a lower-carb diet! For those people who calorie count, d...

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Insulin Resistance and Type 2 Diabetes - PBCo.

Insulin Resistance and Type 2 Diabetes

Diabetes is a worldwide epidemic that is rising at a terrifying rate. The number of adults living with diabetes globally was estimated at 422 million in 2014, compared to 108 million in 1980 - an ...

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Fuelling Your Body for Weight Loss - PBCo.

Fuelling Your Body for Weight Loss

When it comes to weight loss, we often think about what we are not going to eat – what foods we might need to say good bye to and how many calories we are going to restrict. How does this process o...

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Foods to Limit (That We Can All Agree On) - PBCo.

Foods to Limit (That We Can All Agree On)

These days it is rare to find two dietitians, nutritionists or food fanatics who agree on the same thing - particularly when it comes to what to eat for optimising health. Social media has foster...

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Low Carb Diets and Fibre – The Real Deal - PBCo.

Low Carb Diets and Fibre – The Real Deal

A common criticism of low-carbohydrate diets is that they fall short when it comes to micronutrients, such as low carb diets and fibre needs. As a dietitian, and a firm believer of the many potenti...

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Different types of sugar - PBCo.

Different types of sugar

What are the different types of sugar? The term “sugar” usually refers to a group of carbohydrates known as “saccharides” (which originates from the Latin word “saccharum”). Sugars are sweet-tastin...

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How does Sugar affect Weight Loss? - PBCo.

How does Sugar affect Weight Loss?

How does Sugar affect Weight Loss? When metabolised by humans, all sugars deliver 17 kilojoules of energy per gram of sugar absorbed. The body has an immediate need for glucose for its various ...

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