Ness's Training Update – July
O . M . G ………
“What the (insert your own word here… mine looks a bit like this @#$*) have I done?!?!”
This is my thought process before, during and after my first marathon training session.
Have you ever felt like you’re going to spew, cry and collapse at the same time? Well my good friend (amazing coach and all round nice guy) Jase Cronshaw took me there on that first session.
To his credit he quite graciously endured my breathless swearing tirade although then he annoyingly reminded me that I had wanted him to train me… what did I expect??
Apparently the first month was about ‘building the base’. And I had a lot to build.
Intervals, cross training and the beginnings of some longer runs on the weekend were the name of the game in July.
It was about teaching the body to push the limits…that it was not going to spontaneously combust at the slightest bit of discomfort (there was quite a bit of discomfort).
Apart from pushing past what I thought was my limit (and my astounding swearing capabilities) what I did discover was just how much that amazing post run endorphin rush could lift you throughout the day. It was weird to discover that something could be so tiring but so uplifting at the same time. I could see why people got addicted to this.
The road to NYC had begun.
Achievements: Sydney Harbour 10Km… although no records broken it was a really comfortable run even with a hamstring niggle… perhaps this training business pays off!
Struggles: Beginnings of the first ‘runners’ injury… physio was about to become my friend
Feeling: Terrified/excited/exhausted/elated/grateful
Swearing: Maximum