Natural or Greek unflavoured yoghurt is a great way to make creamy dressings with extra gut health-boosting benefits or simply enjoyed as a snack with your favourite additions. Including this in...
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The Best Low Carb Red Curry Paste
How good is a hearty Red Curry or Chicken Laksa, especially on a cold night? Even better when you can enjoy it at home. If you’re looking for a low carb swap - try enjoying your curry over mixed...
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Whilst nothing will compare to a homemade sauce, pre made Pasta sauces are super convenient and can make low carb living a little easier. They are a quick way you can add flavour to your veggies...
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The Best Low Carb Coconut Yoghurt
If you’re vegan, lactose intolerant, or follow a low FODMAP diet, then coconut yoghurt can be a great alternative to dairy options. Especially those with added probiotics. It is higher in fat,...
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The Best Low Carb Vegetarian Sausages
With the increasing awareness of people switching to a meat-free diet, or even just simply reducing the amount of animal products they consume, we thought we would search for some low carb vegetar...
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The Best Low Carb Vegetarian Burger Patties
With the increasing awareness of people switching to a meat-free diet, or even just simply reducing the number of animal products they consume, we thought we would search for some low carb vegetar...
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I don’t know about you, but enjoying cheese, crackers and dip on a Friday evening is one of my favourite things in the world. Nothing beats homemade anything in most cases and if you have the time...
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The Best Low Carb/ Keto Ice Cream.
How good is ice-cream? I’m pretty excited that there are so many options in the keto ice cream / low carb space these days! Personally, I LOVE ice cream sooooo much!!! 🤓 However, I’ve learnt that...
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Mayonnaise is such a nice addition to sandwiches, wraps or salads - it's just a pity that so many have such a high amount of added sugar (and therefore carbs!). Like anything - if you make the ...
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The Best Low Carb Caesar Dressing
Who doesn't LOVE a good Caesar Salad??? It would have to be one of my favourite meals - with Grilled Chicken and Croutons made from Our Low Carb Bread! As long as you choose the right brand of ...
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The Best Low Carb Noodles & Pasta
Typically on a Low Carb Diet, you expect that Noodles & Pasta are off limits....Until now! Whilst we know that these aren't like for like to real pasta, I do think these are great substitut...
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The Best Low Carb Mixers & Flavoured Sparkling Waters
Sparkling and soda waters are a common go-to for mixers when it comes alcohol and low carb living. They have ZERO carbs and nothing added, just BUBBLES! However, I love that there is a flavoured sp...
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TWININGS Infuse ? Flavoured Water Infusions // Product Review
Do you drink enough water? Probably not, right? I bet you're like me and you know it's good for you, but it's so easy to forget and have just one more coffee instead. Well, this new product called ...
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Why you should ALWAYS read the back of the packet!
I've been in the food industry for long enough to know that things aren't always as they seem. As the saying goes "never judge a book by its cover" the same applies for food and a recent shopping t...
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Lo Bros Organic Cola 🥃 Live Fermented Soda // Product Review
I'm always on the hunt for exciting new products that I can fit in and enjoy whilst living low carb and when I saw this handsome-looking bottle of Lo Bros Organic Cola sitting on the shelf, boy did...
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Chobani FIT Protein Yogurt ? // Product Review
I first spotted this Chobani FIT Protein Yogurt about a month ago and had a good chuckle at the blatant "me too" nature of the product. I mean the packaging is probably about as close to YOPRO's...
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Aldi Low Carb Bread by Bakers Life // Product Review
This Aldi Low Carb Bread has been popping up again and again in my Facebook newsfeed recently and it seems to be getting A LOT of coverage due to an article posted on the popular online journal Mam...
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High Protein Milk by The Complete Dairy ? // Product Review
I'm always on the lookout for new innovative high protein low products to share with you guys but there had been nothing "new" that I'd seen in a while. But sometimes old becomes new again, and tha...
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AMAZEBALLS Crunchy Cheese Balls by Ashgrove // Product Review
You will have noticed it's been a few weeks since my last product review. The reason was simply that I hadn't come across any products that had wow'd me – that is until came across these Amazeballs...
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The Best Low Carb Almond Milk Blends
This review is for blends and flavour variations of Almond Milk found in your supermarket. People are using flavoured almond milk's in their smoothies, baking, or to add a hint of flavour to coffe...
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No Sugar, Low Carb Chocolate Bars by Well Naturally // Product Review
A few weeks ago I reviewed a sugar free white chocolate by VITAWERX which I really liked, but many of you guys wanted a regular dairy milk chocolate, so I went out supermarket hunting, tried a few ...
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Nuttvia Hazelnut Spread // Product Review
I originally came across this Nuttvia Hazelnut Spread back in June 2017 and was so freakin excited, however that excitement quickly withered once I looked at the nutritional panel… Now this pr...
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Super Low Carb Noodles by CHANG'S // Product Review
I saw these years ago and dismissed them as a fad, or a product which can't possibly taste good. Turns out I was wrong and I wish I hadn't been so quick to dismiss these Super Low Carb Noodles. As...
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No Sugar Added Creamy Vanilla Ice Cream by PETERS // Product Review
It's not very often I get excited by ice cream as I don't have much of a sweet tooth – much preferring pizza or lasagne over chocolate or cake. So for me to get excited when I saw this No Sugar Add...
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White Choc Coconut Rough by VITAWERX - Review
Now I'll preface this review by saying that I don't really like white chocolate… well at least I didn't – that is until I tried this White Choc Coconut Rough by VITAWERX that my sister, Anna told m...
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The Best Low Carb Beers in Australia
Low carb beers have been available in Australia for over 10 years now – maybe even longer. Now I haven't gone back and checked the beer archives but I think it was probably Carlton Dry which kicked...
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YoPRO Protein Yoghurt by Danone // Product Review
I've been looking for something like this for a while. I've tried what seems like hundreds of different low sugar yoghurts and finally I've found one that tastes pretty alright!!! Introducing YoP...
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Primo Chicken Roasties Protein Snacks // Product Review
I found these Primo Chicken Roasties Protein Snacks on sale at Woolworths the other day for $2 (normally $3) and thought I'd give them a try. I'm always dubious about anything labelled as a Protein...
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If you are looking for something that is a little closer to 'soft drinks' than flavoured mineral waters. We've compiled a list of what flavours are in the supermarkets. We chose not to include ...
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The Best Low Carb Ready Made Soup
With Winter now in full swing, we thought we would go searching for the best Low Carb Ready Made Soup available in your supermarket. Most canned soups were 25g carbs per serve and there was a w...
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